In this module you will learn ...
·To work towards your green vision of the future.
·To avoid health-risks while using digital technologies
·To identify digital technologies for social well-being and social inclusion.
·About ways to protect the environment from the impact of digital technologies and their use.

In this module you will
learn ...
·About financial and economic concepts.
·To estimate the main tax obligations for green businesses.
·To find and apply relevant information about the national legislation regarding green business.

In this module you will learn ...
·About financing and budget planning.
·To manage your money.
·To develop a budget for your green business.
·About helpful digital tools to calculate your business.
·About funding possibilities.
In this module you will learn ...
·About digital tools for planning and management.
·To develop a business model.
·About key elements of a business plan for Green Businesses.

In this module you will learn ...
·To overcome adverse circumstances related to Green Business.
·How to maintain effort and interest, despite setbacks.
·To identify sources of help and support for Green Business.
·To create an action plan with necessary steps to achieve goals.